Status Codes in the API🔗
Similarly to any other REST API, HTTP response codes are returned based on the success of each of your requests. The following table can be used as a reference. It is a modified version of Discord's table for the same purpose.
HTTP Response Codes🔗
Code | Meaning |
200 (OK) | The request completed successfully. |
201 (CREATED) | The entity was created successfully. |
204 (NO CONTENT) | The request completed successfully and returned no content. |
304 (NOT MODIFIED) | The entity was not modified (no action was taken). |
400 (BAD REQUEST) | The request was improperly formatted, or the server couldn't understand it. |
401 (UNAUTHORIZED) | Proper authorization was not passed or passed improperly. |
403 (FORBIDDEN) | The authorization you passed is not allowed to access this resource. |
404 (NOT FOUND) | The resource at the location specified doesn't exist. |
405 (METHOD NOT ALLOWED) | The HTTP method used is not valid for the location specified. |
429 (TOO MANY REQUESTS) | You are being rate limited. |
502 (GATEWAY UNAVAILABLE) | There was not a gateway available to process your request. Wait a bit and retry. |
5xx (SERVER ERROR) | The server had an error processing your request (these are rare). |