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Media Endpoints🔗


Endpoints on this page should use the base URL, not

Dynamic Media Types🔗

Type Description
CustomReaction custom server emoji
ContentMedia (deprecated) any media - deprecated in favor of ContentMediaGenericFiles
ContentMediaGenericFiles any media or file
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Binary File Data🔗

This can probably be handled by your HTTP library/something built-in to your language. Here are some code examples:


# with aiohttp

import aiohttp
async def upload_file(path_to_file, media_type):
    file = open(path_to_file, 'rb')  # or another bytes-like object
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        response = await
            data={'file': file},
            params={'dynamicMediaTypeId': media_type}
        data = await response.json()
        return data['url']

# with requests

import requests
def upload_file(path_to_file, media_type):
    file = open(path_to_file, 'rb')  # or another bytes-like object
    response =
        data={'file': file},
        params={'dynamicMediaTypeId': media_type}
    data = response.json()
    return data['url']

Upload Media🔗


Upload a media file to Guilded.

Form Data🔗
Field Type Description
file binary data the data of the file
Query Args🔗
Field Type Description Required Accepted Values
dynamicMediaTypeId string the type of media that you are uploading true a valid dynamic media type
JSON Response🔗
Field Type Description
url string the full CDN url to the uploaded file

Upload File🔗


Upload a generic non-media file to Guilded.

Form Data🔗
Field Type Description
file binary data the data of the file
Query Args🔗
Field Type Description Required Accepted Values
dynamicMediaTypeId string the type of media that you are uploading true ContentMediaGenericFiles
JSON Response🔗
Field Type Description
url string the full CDN url to the uploaded file

Get Custom Emoji Pack🔗


Get the contents of an emoji pack.

JSON Params🔗
Field Type Description
url string the emoji pack to get (must return a valid JSON-formatted emoji pack response)

Upload Custom Emoji Pack🔗


Upload the contents of an emoji pack to Guilded. Returns an array of {url: url, name: name} on success, where url is the URL to the uploaded image on Guilded's CDN, and name is the name of the emoji from the emoji pack.

JSON Params🔗
Field Type Description
url string the emoji pack to import (must return a valid JSON-formatted emoji pack response)
uploadTrackingId? string unknown. looks like "r-0123456-7891234"