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Channel Object🔗

Represents a team (server) or DM channel.

Team Channel Structure🔗
Field Type Description
id uuid the id of this channel
type string the type of channel
createdAt ISO8601 timestamp when this channel was created
createdBy user id who created this channel
updatedAt ?ISO8601 timestamp when this channel was last modified
name string the name of this channel
contentType string the content type of channel (text, voice, etc)
archivedAt ?ISO8601 timestamp if this channel is archived, this is when it was archived
parentChannelId ?uuid if this channel has a parent channel, this is that channel's id
autoArchiveAt ?ISO8601 timestamp when this channel will be automatically archived (only applicable to threads)
deletedAt ?ISO8601 timestamp if this channel is deleted, this is when it was deleted
archivedBy ?user id if this channel is archived, this is who archived it
description ?string the channel description
createdByWebhookId ?uuid if a webhook created this channel, this is the webhook's id
archivedByWebhookId ?uuid if a webhook archived this channel, this is the webhook's id
teamId ?team id if this is a team channel (not a DM channel), this is the team's id
channelCategoryId ?uuid if this channel is in a category, this is the category's id
addedAt ?ISO8601 timestamp ???
channelId ?uuid same as id
isRoleSynced ?bool if this channel's roles are synced with the linked Discord guild's roles
roles ?array a list of roles that (have overwrites in | are synced with) this channel
userPermissions ?array a list of users who have overwrites in this channel
tournamentRoles ?array ???
isPublic bool whether this channel is marked as public (can be seen without being a member of the team)
priority integer ???
groupId ?group id if this is a team channel, this is the group's id this channel belongs to
settings ??? ???
groupType string ???
rolesById dictionary mapping of roleId: role object with undescript permissions
tournamentRolesById dictionary ???
createdByInfo dictionary contains the id, name, profilePicture, and profilePictureSm of the user who created this channel
Channel Types🔗
Type Description
Team a channel within a server
DM a direct message between users
Channel Content Types🔗
Type Description
announcement an announcement channel
chat* a chat channel or thread
doc a docs channel
forum a forum channel
media a media channel
list a list channel
scheduling a scheduling channel
streaming* a streaming channel
voice* a voice channel

* Voice channels and streaming channels are messageable just like chat channels. Threads inside these channels will have the chat content type despite their parent's content type.

Example Team Chat Channel🔗
  "priority": 4,
  "id": "d2242862-401c-42f8-9ce2-0c75977475a6",
  "type": "Team",
  "name": "general",
  "description": "wacky hi-jinks ensue!",
  "settings": null,
  "roles": null,
  "rolesById": {},
  "tournamentRolesById": {},
  "teamId": "4R5q39VR",
  "channelCategoryId": null,
  "addedAt": null,
  "channelId": "d2242862-401c-42f8-9ce2-0c75977475a6",
  "isRoleSynced": null,
  "isPublic": false,
  "groupId": "WD56qLmd",
  "createdAt": "2020-07-31T18:51:19.563Z",
  "createdBy": "EdVMVKR4",
  "updatedAt": "2020-07-31T18:51:19.563Z",
  "contentType": "chat",
  "archivedAt": null,
  "parentChannelId": null,
  "autoArchiveAt": null,
  "deletedAt": null,
  "archivedBy": null,
  "createdByWebhookId": null,
  "archivedByWebhookId": null,
  "userPermissions": null,
  "tournamentRoles": null,
  "voiceParticipants": [],
  "userStreams": []

Message Object🔗

Represents a message sent in a channel within Guilded.

Message Structure🔗
Field Type Description
id uuid id of the message
channelId channel id id of the channel the message was sent in
createdBy user id the author's id of this message
content message content object contents of the message (including text, embeds, mentions, and attachments)
createdAt ISO8601 timestamp when this message was sent
editedAt ?ISO8601 timestamp when this message was edited (or null if never)
deletedAt ?ISO8601 timestamp when this message was deleted (or null if it has not been deleted)
reactions array of reaction objects reactions to the message
isPinned boolean whether this message is pinned
pinnedBy ?user id if the message is pinned, this is the user's id who pinned it
webhookId ?user id if the message is generated by a webhook, this is the webhook's id
type string the type of message
Example Message🔗
  "id": "b943384a-d951-4323-8e26-8e3e6b7c431a",
  "content": {
    "object": "value",
    "document": {
      "object": "document",
      "data": {},
      "nodes": [
          "object": "block",
          "type": "paragraph",
          "data": {},
          "nodes": [
              "object": "text",
              "leaves": [
                  "object": "leaf",
                  "text": "cool message with an ",
                  "marks": []
              "object": "inline",
              "type": "reaction",
              "data": {
                "reaction": {
                  "id": 90001815,
                  "customReactionId": 90001815
              "nodes": [
                  "object": "text",
                  "leaves": [
                      "object": "leaf",
                      "text": ":tada:",
                      "marks": []
              "object": "text",
              "leaves": [
                  "object": "leaf",
                  "text": " emoji, some ",
                  "marks": []
                  "object": "leaf",
                  "text": "bold formatting",
                  "marks": [
                      "object": "mark",
                      "type": "italic",
                      "data": {}
                  "object": "leaf",
                  "text": ", maybe even a ",
                  "marks": []
              "object": "inline",
              "type": "reaction",
              "data": {
                "reaction": {
                  "id": 294637,
                  "customReactionId": 294637
              "nodes": [
                  "object": "text",
                  "leaves": [
                      "object": "leaf",
                      "text": ":thinkingwithblobs:",
                      "marks": []
              "object": "text",
              "leaves": [
                  "object": "leaf",
                  "text": " custom emoji?",
                  "marks": []
Message Types🔗
Type Description
default a message sent by a user
system a system message, usually noting an action done by a user

Unfurl Embed Object🔗

Unfurl Embed Structure🔗


All of the below fields are optional and nullable.

Field Type Description
ogTitle string og:title
ogDescription string og:description
ogSiteName string og:site_name
ogUrl string og:url
ogImage.url string proxied og:image
siteType string the type of site
Example Unfurl Embed🔗
  "ogTitle": "Guilded - Chat for Gaming Communities",
  "ogDescription": "Guilded upgrades your group chat and equips your server with integrated event calendars, forums, and more – 100% free.",
  "ogSiteName": "Guilded - Chat for Gaming Communities",
  "ogUrl": "",
  "ogImage": {
    "url": ""
  "siteType": "guilded"

Unfurl Embed Site Types🔗

Value Domain

Embed Object🔗

Embeds objects in Guilded are the same as in Discord, with the exception of iconUrl being preferred over icon_url for embed.authors and embed.footers.

Embed Structure🔗
Field Type Description
title? string title of embed
description? string description of embed
url? string url of embed
timestamp? ISO8601 timestamp timestamp of embed content
color? integer color code of the embed
footer? embed footer object footer information
image? embed image object image information
thumbnail? embed thumbnail object thumbnail information
video? embed video object video information
provider? embed provider object provider information
author? embed author object author information
fields? array of embed field objects fields information
Embed Thumbnail Structure🔗
Field Type Description
url? string source url of thumbnail. only supports http(s)
height? integer height of thumbnail
width? integer width of thumbnail
Embed Video Structure🔗
Field Type Description
url? string source url of video
height? integer height of video
width? integer width of video
Embed Image Structure🔗
Field Type Description
url? string source url of image. only supports http(s)
height? integer height of image
width? integer width of image
Embed Provider Structure🔗
Field Type Description
name? string name of provider
url? string url of provider
Embed Author Structure🔗
Field Type Description
name? string name of author
url? string url of author
iconUrl?* string url of author icon. only supports http(s)
icon_url?* string url of author icon. only supports http(s)

* You may provide either iconUrl or icon_url, but icon_url will only show up on mobile devices. For this reason, iconUrl is recommend instead.

Field Type Description
text string footer text
iconUrl?* string url of footer icon. only supports http(s)
icon_url?* string url of footer icon. only supports http(s)

* You may provide either iconUrl or icon_url, but icon_url will only show up on mobile devices. For this reason, iconUrl is recommend instead.

Embed Field Structure🔗
Field Type Description
name string name of the field
value string value of the field
inline? boolean whether or not this field should display inline

Get Embed for URL🔗


Generate embed data for a specific URL. Returns a special unfurl embed object on success. On failure, this will return an empty dictionary with status code 200.

Query Params🔗
Field Type Description Required
url string the url to get an embed for true

Embed Limits🔗

Leading and trailing whitespace characters are included in the following limits; they are kept intact despite not being visible in the desktop client.

Field Limit
title 256 characters
description 2048 characters
fields 25 field objects 256 characters
field.value 1024 characters
footer.text 2048 characters 256 characters

There is no explicit character limit for the sum of all the above fields, however utilizing every text slot you may fit a total of 36,608 characters per embed.

Get Channel🔗


Get a channel by ID. Returns a channel object wrapped in on success.

Field Type Description Required
route string (metadata path) the channel to get the message from true

Get Channel Messages🔗


Returns the messages for a channel. Only available if the channel is public. Returns an array of message objects and a boolean hasPastMessages detailing if there are messages preceeding this array on success.

Query String Params🔗
Field Type Description Required Default
limit integer max number of messages to return (0-2^63)* false 51
beforeDate ISO8601 timestamp filters messages by those made before a certain timestamp false now
afterDate ISO8601 timestamp filters messages by those made after a certain timestamp false epoch?

* limit is interpreted as a bigint value and therefore can be as high as 2^63. Anything over this value will quickly return a 500 error code.

Get Channel Message🔗


Get a specific message in the channel. Only available if the message's channel is public. On success, returns a message object (metadata.message) and the message's channel object (

Query String Params🔗
Field Type Description Required
route string (metadata path) the channel to get the message from true
messageId message id the message to get true

Get Pinned Messages🔗


Returns all pinned messages in the channel as an array of message objects inside a message key.