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Community Resources🔗


Guilded's bot API is currently in early access, so you will need explicit approval from a Guilded staff member to use it, and by extension, any of the libraries listed below. The following libraries are not approved, created, or endorsed by Guilded.

Guilded Libraries (alphabetical)🔗
Name Language
guilded.js JavaScript
Guilded.NET C# Python
Guilded4J Java
TouchGuild Javascript

Embed Visualizers🔗

Discord and Guilded both use relatively the same embed structure. Sent embeds look a bit different in the official client, but you can use the following resources to easily compose some JSON for use in your Guilded messages.

Exemplary Projects🔗

You may have been confused by the preamble in this site's introduction. Here are a few cool projects that use Guilded's API without automating a user account.