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The meat of communication on Guilded. They are referred to as "servers" in the UI.

Team Object🔗

Team Structure🔗
Field Type Description
id generic id the team's id
name string the team's name
subdomain ?string custom "url" of the team. equivalent to discord's vanity_url_code
description ?string the team's description
bio (deprecated) ?string the team's bio - deprecated in favor of description
profilePicture ?string the team's avatar url
teamDashImage ?string the team's banner url
ownerId user id id of the team's owner
createdAt ISO8601 timestamp when the team was created
type string the type of team
members?* array of members the members in this team
bots?** array of flow-bots the flow-bots in this team
webhooks?** array of webhooks the webhooks in this team
baseGroup group the team's base group
visibility string the team's visibility setting
isRecruiting boolean whether the team is accepting new applications
isVerified boolean whether the team is verified
isPro boolean whether the team is "pro" - probably deprecated
isPublic boolean whether the team is public. true when visibility is open-entry
isDiscoverable boolean whether the team will show up in search results & the server directory
rolesById object mapping of role id (string) to role, plus a duplicate baseRole
userFollowsTeam boolean whether the current users follows the team
isUserApplicant? boolean whether the current user has a pending application in the team
isUserInvited? boolean whether the current user has been invited to the team
isUserBannedFromTeam? boolean whether the current user is banned from the team
followerCount ?integer the number of followers the team has (approximate)
memberCount ?string the number of members the team has (approximate)
onlineMemberCount? ?string the number of non-offline members in the team
measurements? object a team measurements object for the team
games? array of games ids the games that the team plays
additionalGameInfo object mapping of game id to region and platformps4,xbox,pc, both optional strings

* members will only contain the current user's member data for the Get Team Info response.

** bots and webhooks are not present for the Get Team Info response.

Example Team🔗
    "id": "4R5q39VR",
    "name": "Guilded-API",
    "subdomain": "guilded-api",
    "bio": null,
    "status": null,
    "timezone": "America/New York (EST/EDT)",
    "description": "The unofficial resource hub for all API-related projects and development to do with the Guilded API. API docs:",
    "type": "community",
    "visibility": "open-entry",
    "createdAt": "2020-07-31T18:10:35.302Z",
    "ownerId": "EdVMVKR4",
    "profilePicture": "",
    "teamDashImage": "",
    "homeBannerImageSm": "",
    "homeBannerImageMd": "",
    "homeBannerImageLg": "",
    "additionalInfo": {
        "platform": "native"
    "additionalGameInfo": {},
    "teamPreferences": null,
    "socialInfo": {
        "twitter": "@GuildedAPI"
    "isRecruiting": false,
    "isVerified": false,
    "isPro": false,
    "isPublic": true,
    "notificationPreference": null,
    "isDiscoverable": true,
    "baseGroup": {
        "id": "l3GmAe9d",
        "type": "team",
        "name": "Server home",
        "description": null,
        "avatar": null,
        "banner": null,
        "priority": 1,
        "teamId": "4R5q39VR",
        "gameId": null,
        "visibilityTeamRoleId": 23138884,
        "membershipTeamRoleId": 23138884,
        "isBase": true,
        "isPublic": true,
        "additionalGameInfo": {},
        "createdBy": null,
        "createdAt": "2020-07-31T18:10:35.376Z",
        "updatedBy": "EdVMVKR4",
        "customReactionId": null,
        "updatedAt": "2021-05-03T19:20:08.249Z",
        "deletedAt": null,
        "archivedAt": null,
        "archivedBy": null
    "followingGroups": [],
    "rolesById": {
        "26302427": {
            "id": 26302427,
            "name": "Bot",
            "color": "#ffffff",
            "permissions": {"xp":1,"bots":1,"chat":503,"docs":15,"forms":18,"lists":63,"media":15,"voice":8179,"forums":123,"general":130100,"streams":51,"brackets":3,"calendar":31,"scheduling":11,"matchmaking":21,"recruitment":55,"announcements":7,"customization":49},
            "priority": 17,
            "teamId": "4R5q39VR",
            "createdAt": "2021-12-01T17:11:43.610Z",
            "updatedAt": "2022-03-02T22:47:11.473Z",
            "isBase": false,
            "discordRoleId": null,
            "discordSyncedAt": null,
            "isMentionable": false,
            "isSelfAssignable": false,
            "isDisplayedSeparately": false,
            "botScope": {"userId":null}
        "baseRole": {
            "id": 23138884,
            "name": "Member",
            "color": "#ececee",
            "permissions": {"chat":243,"docs":2,"forms":16,"lists":2,"media":2,"voice":6211,"forums":67,"streams":51,"calendar":2,"scheduling":3,"announcements":2,"customization":16},
            "priority": 1,
            "teamId": "4R5q39VR",
            "createdAt": "2020-07-31T18:10:35.350Z",
            "updatedAt": "2022-03-02T22:47:11.473Z",
            "isBase": true,
            "discordRoleId": null,
            "discordSyncedAt": null,
            "isMentionable": true,
            "isSelfAssignable": false,
            "isDisplayedSeparately": true,
            "botScope": null
    "userFollowsTeam": false,
    "followerCount": 88,
    "memberCount": "1958",
    "members": [
            "id": "EdVMVKR4",
            "name": "shay",
            "type": "user",
            "membershipRole": "admin",
            "profilePicture": "",
            "roleIds": [23138891,23281097,23138936,23139118,23138883]
    "upsell": null,
    "serverSubscriptionPlans": [],
    "teamPaymentInfo": null,
    "games": [],
    "bannerImages": {},
    "lfmStatusByGameId": {},
    "drawbridgeGateEnabled": false,
    "flair": [
            "id": 3
    "socialLinks": []
Team Types🔗

Team types are probably used in server discovery.

Team Visibility🔗

Reflects the team's privacy setting.

Value Meaning Default
private the team is not visible through its direct link and cannot show up in search results false
default the team is visible through its direct link and will show up in search results if team.isDiscoverable is true true
open-entry default, but the team does not require an invite to join false

Team Measurements Object🔗

This object contains some statistics about the team. When available, you should prefer this object's numMembers over team.memberCount because it is more accurate.

Team Measurements Structure🔗
Field Type Description
numMembers integer the number of members the team has
numFollowers integer or string the number of followers the team has
numRecentMatches integer the number of matches the team has participated in recently
numRecentMatchWins integer the number of matches the team has won recently
matchmakingGameRanks array
numFollowersAndMembers integer numMembers + numFollowers
numMembersAddedInLastDay integer the number of members who have joined the team in the last 24 hours
numMembersAddedInLastWeek integer the number of members who have joined the team in the last 7 days
numMembersAddedInLastMonth integer the number of members who have joined the team in the last 30 days
mostRecentMemberLastOnline integer unix timestamp of the last time a member was not offline in the team
subscriptionMonthsRemaining (deprecated) ?integer the number of months remaining on the team's guilded gold subscription

Team Member Object🔗

Team Member Structure🔗
Field Type Description
id generic id the user's id
name string the user's username, not unique across the platform
nickname string the member's team-specific nickname
badges ?array the badges that this member has ("GuildedStaff", "PartnerProgram", ?)
membershipRole string ?
profilePicture string (url) the user's avatar url
profileBannerBlur ?string (url) the user's banner url
joinDate ISO8601 timestamp when this member joined their team
userStatus user status object this user's current activity/"status"
userPresenceStatus integer this user's presence (online, idle, etc)
userTransientStatus transient status object this user's transient status (game, streaming, ?)
aliases array the linked games on the user's profile
lastOnline ISO8601 timestamp when the user was last online
roleIds array of integer the roles' ids that the member has
subscriptionType ?integer(?) guilded gold-related value
socialLinks array of dictionaries each item has type - the platform, handle - the user's username on that platform, and additionalInfo - unknown
teamXp integer how much xp the member has in this team
Example Team Member🔗
  "id": "EdVMVKR4",
  "name": "shay",
  "nickname": null,
  "badges": null,
  "joinDate": "2020-07-31T18:10:35.302Z",
  "membershipRole": "admin",
  "lastOnline": "2021-03-07T05:22:09.597Z",
  "profilePicture": "",
  "profileBannerBlur": "",
  "userStatus": {
    "content": null,
    "customReactionId": 294765,
    "customReaction": {
      "id": 294765,
      "name": "ablobwobwork",
      "png": "",
      "webp": "",
      "apng": null
  "roleIds": [
  "subscriptionType": null,
  "socialLinks": [
      "type": "twitter",
      "handle": "GuildedAPI",
      "additionalInfo": {}
  "aliases": [],
  "userPresenceStatus": 1,
  "userTransientStatus": null,
  "teamXp": 0

Ban Object🔗

Ban Structure🔗
Field Type Description
reason string the reason for the ban (can be empty, won't be null)
userId user id the banned user's id
bannedBy user id the moderator who banned this user
createdAt ISO8601 timestamp when this ban was created
Example Ban🔗
  "reason": "something funny here, idk",
  "userId": "2d2Wg8Pm",
  "bannedBy": "EdVMVKR4",
  "createdAt": "2021-03-13T18:15:53.622Z"

Invite Object🔗

Invite Structure🔗
Field Type Description
id generic id the invite's id, referred to as an 'invite code' in the client
createdAt ISO8601 timestamp when the invite was created
teamId team id the team's id that the invite is for
invitedBy user id the user's id who created the invite
userBy ?user id a user's id who used the invite?
gameId ?integer the game's id that the invite is for
useCount integer how many times the invite has been used
Example Invite🔗
  "id": "XENGAmn2",
  "createdAt": "2021-02-26T22:43:52.380Z",
  "teamId": "4R5q39VR",
  "invitedBy": "EdVMVKR4",
  "usedBy": null,
  "gameId": null,
  "useCount": 0

Get Team Info🔗


Returns a team object wrapped in a team key on success. If the team is invalid or private, this returns HTTP 404.

Get Team Channels🔗


Returns a list of team channel objects.

List Team Members🔗


Returns a list of partial team members, flow bots, and webhooks under members, bots, and webhooks keys respectively. A partial team member object includes, at minimum, id and name, but may also include one or multiple of profilePicture, roleIds, userPresenceStatus, and nickname.

Detail Team Members🔗


Returns an object of provided user IDs to team members.

JSON Params🔗
Field Type Description
userIds array of generic ids the members' IDs to get member details for
idsForBasicInfo? array of generic ids if an ID is included here, its entry in the response will also include basic user information
Example Response🔗
  "EdVMVKR4": {
    "userStatus": {
      "content": null,
      "customReactionId": 925765,
      "customReaction": {
        "id": 925765,
        "name": "blobspider",
        "png": "",
        "webp": "",
        "apng": null
    "id": "EdVMVKR4",
    "name": "shay",
    "membershipRole": "admin",
    "profilePicture": "",
    "userTransientStatus": null,
    "teamXp": 117,
    "lastOnline": "2022-04-29T21:10:42.120Z",
    "joinDate": "2020-07-31T18:10:35.302Z",
    "stonks": 56