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Guilded's API features a WebSocket gateway for receiving live events, but it requires user authentication and thus will not be covered here.

Base URL🔗

Error Messages🔗

Your typical error message should look like this:

    "code": "BadRequestError",
    "message": "That's no good. Try again with a different payload."

... along with an appropriate HTTP status code.



Unlike Discord, Guilded does not use Snowflakes for any of its IDs - instead, you will find a mix of UUIDs, 8-character alphanumeric strings (hereafter "generic" IDs), and incremental & random integer IDs.

Uniqueness of IDs by scope🔗

Resource ID Type Data Type Scope
All content replies Incremental integer per-content
Announcement Generic string ?
Availability Incremental integer global
CalendarEvent Incremental integer global
Channel UUID string global
Doc Incremental integer global
Emoji (emote) Incremental integer global
ForumTopic Random integer ?
Group Generic string global
ListItem UUID string ?
Media Incremental integer global
Message UUID string ?
Role Incremental integer global
Team (server) Generic string global
User Generic string global
Webhook UUID string global

ISO8601 Date/Time🔗

Guilded utilizes the ISO8601 format for most Date/Times returned. This format is referred to as type ISO8601 timestamp within tables in this documentation.

Nullable and Optional Resource Fields🔗

Resource fields that may contain a null value have types that are prefixed with a question mark. Resource fields that are optional have names that are suffixed with a question mark.

Example Nullable and Optional Fields🔗
Field Type
optional_field? string
nullable_field ?string
optional_and_nullable_field? ?string


Rate Limiting🔗

The HTTP API has very loose rate limits. Because of this, we do not know much about how rate limiting works on Guilded. A good rule of thumb is to not spam the API with repetitive requests and to simply stay reasonable.

Message Formatting🔗

Guilded uses markdown for writing messages in clients. Message are returned via the API in a very 'stacked' format. Each aspect of a message's content, such as text formatting, a mention, or anything else, is provided in a different leaf of the current node. Fortunately, this is not a format you have to send; you can instead use pure markdown by providing markdown-plain-text as your type.

todo: fact check above

Image Formatting🔗

Image Base URLs🔗

Guilded uses hashes for its images. These hashes are not returned alone in most HTTP API requests, however--instead you are returned a full URL on the Amazon AWS platform.

Below are the formats, size limitations, and CDN endpoints for images in Guilded. The returned format can be changed by changing the extension name at the end of the URL. The returned size can be changed by appending a -{Size} to the URL, just before the file extension. See below for available size formats.

It is important to note that, while URLs using the CDN domain are shorter than, and serve the same purpose as, AWS URLs, they will not display properly in embeds (in constrast to AWS URLs).

Image Formats🔗
Name Extension
PNG .png
aPNG .png
JPEG .jpg, .jpeg
WebP .webp
GIF .gif
CDN Endpoints🔗
Type Path Supports
User Avatar UserAvatar/hash.png PNG, GIF
Profile Banner UserBanner/hash.png PNG
Image in Chat ContentMedia/hash.webp WebP
Team Emoji CustomReaction/hash.webp WebP, aPNG
Team Icon TeamAvatar/hash.png PNG
Team Banner TeamBanner/hash.png PNG

Your -{Size} can be one of -Small, -Medium, -Large, and sometimes -Hero. Banners can only be Hero, but avatars are never Hero.

Example CDN URL🔗

The below example is for a "large" sized User Avatar on AWS:{hash}-Large.png